Children and Youth Ministry
Children and Youth Ministry at Milsons Point
9:15 am Sunday School
The 9:15am Sunday School is a happy, vibrant place where children in Infants (Kindergarten to Year 2) and Primary School (Years 3-6) age are taught, trained, shown and shared experience the wonders of our great big God.
It is scheduled at this time to allow parents to be able to drop their children off prior to the beginning of the 9:15am English Service or Cantonese Service, and pick them up directly after service.
Infants will join in an assembly where they sing, recite memory verses and have a Bible lesson before they attend their individual classes (organised according to their ages) where there is another Bible lesson followed by crafts.
Primary school aged children will attend the first 30 minutes of the 9:15am English Service or the Cantonese Service with their parents before joining the Sunday School.
This allows them to participate in the services and be a part of the wider church. Some of the children will eventually have opportunities to serve in music ministry, offertory, Bible reading and prayer during the services.
11:15am Sunday School
The 11:15am Sunday School is a happy, vibrant place where children in Infants (Kindergarten to Year 2) and Primary School (Years 3-6) age are taught about Christianity.
It is scheduled at this time to allow parents to be able to drop their children off prior to the beginning of the Mandarin Service or 11:15am English Service and pick them up directly after service.
On the third Sunday of each month, the Mandarin Service and 11:15am English Service will be family services where the children will attend either the Mandarin Service or 11:15am English Service together with their parents.
Foundation Youth Sunday (FYS)
We have a strong and vibrant Foundation Youth Sunday program regularly attended teens from high schools.
FYS regularly organises mission events, e-sport socials, cooking lessons and annual dinners.
Friday Foundation Youth (FY)
Friday Foundation Youth (FY) is a group of high school students from around Sydney who meet on most Friday nights to learn from the Bible, play some fun games, build strong friendships with one another and share the good news about Jesus to their friends.
Our usual Friday program includes
● Music
● Games
● Small group sharing and prayer
● Bible study or talk/discussion
● Supper
Every month we have a FY dinner and it has been wonderful to have the parents serve FY by providing dinners for the young people. Dinner is a great time of bonding amongst the youth and the leaders alike.
Visit our Foundation Youth Facebook page at
Sunday School at Redeemer City Church
Redeemer Kids (RK)
At Redeemer Kids (RK), our Sunday School consists of a small group of kids. We work hard to make RK engaging and educational. We aim to be creative in how we teach the children. For example on one Sunday, looking at the parable of the sower, some of the RK kids were given seeds and asked to take them home to see them growing into young seedlings over a 2-week period.