
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9)

Missions Ministry

We seek to obey the Lord’s Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). To this end, we partner with our missionaries in local and global missions.

Some of our missionaries work in cross-cultural missions locally; others work overseas in urban areas among students, professionals and families. Yet others work among ‘unreached peoples’ who are people groups with limited or no opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in their own language and cultural context without outside help. Typically, they will be people groups with less than 2% evangelical Christians. In these parts of the world, missionaries engage in evangelism and church planting, partnering with local churches wherever possible. Moreover, in our increasingly dynamic world, there are many opportunities to reach the unreached peoples in diaspora communities.

CCC’s Missions Committee is the bridge which connects our church congregations with the missionary family units supported by CCC. Regular updates regarding our missionaries are given during church services so that we can pray for them accordingly. Moreover, members of our congregations are encouraged to attend mission conferences and go on short-term mission trips so as to have a better understanding of cross-cultural missions. These insights will help our church improve our support for missions.


The Family

Phil Snelling, Miriam Chan and two children: Denali & Noemi.

History with CCC

We joined the church planting team that started South-West CCC in it’s early days and helped launch the new church in Kingsgrove in 2009. The church supported us as its’ first missionaries when we were sent to Taiwan in 2010. When we returned in 2012 due to health issues, we remained at SWCCC until we moved north to be closer to the ministry at Macquarie University (2014). It was then that we also connected with CCC Milsons Point and decided to work in partnership in the FOCUS Ministry to International students at Macquarie University.

Description of Mission Field — Sydney 

International students at Macquarie University (and beyond).

Short/long term goals

Phil is the Team Leader of FOCUS and is keen to see the ministry strengthened and well-established in the short-medium term. We hope to reach more international students at Macquarie (especially from Muslim backgrounds), as well as send students back home more established and mature in Christ.
Long term we are always open to God’s leading – wherever that may be!

Agency associated with

FOCUS (Fellowship of Overseas Christian University Students) is a subset of Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students (AFES) which seeks to proclaim Jesus Christ at university to present everyone mature in Him.

Watch their video

Watch their video


The Family

John, Denise and three children; James, Mimi and Sean.

History with CCC

After serving at CCC for many years in various groups (youth group, Sunday school, choir), John continued his faith and became a Pastor at NDCCC in 1995. In 2000, the family served at Parramatta City Presbyterian Church , while John finished his studies at SMBC full time.

Description of Mission Field — Chiang Mai, Thailand

After several visits to Thailand, John and Denise saw the need for good, solid bible teaching that would help Thai churches grow to become “Multiplying Gospel Communities”.
In late 2002, God led John and Denise to Chiang Mai, Thailand, where they could continue applying and learning more about helping God’s people be established, growing and multiplying on the firm foundation of the Gospel – a country which is so needy in this area.

Short/long term goals

John and Denise head up a ministry training team called Equip, Chiang Mai. The ministry’s goal is to train Thai believers and Christian Leaders the skills and knowledge to be able to read, understand and teach others about the bible.
In the long term, John and Denise would like to see Thai churches growing and multiplying in response to the gospel; becoming gathering and nurturing “salt-light” communities who bring positive change to the City of Chiang Mai and beyond.

Agency associated with

Pioneers International (since December 2002).


The Family

James, Carolynn and two children: Toby and Gabriel.

History with CCC

Carolynn grew up at CCC with her family, going to Sunday School and youth group. She became a Christian and was baptised as a teenager there and still considers CCC to be her spiritual home.

Description of Mission Field — Zalla, Basque Country, Spain

Short/long term goals

Short/ Long term goals – 

  • Church planting in the region of Las Encartaciones which has a population of 38,000 and no evangelical church. They are partnering with a Spanish Brethren Church in Bilbao.
  • Building friendships and seeking/ encouraging people to join their local “church” gathering which meets every second Sunday in Zalla
  • Establishment of a pilgrim hostel in Zalla for the Camino de Santiago trail.
  • Ultimately help make Spaniards disciples of Christ

Agency associated with

European Christian Mission.

CCC also supports other missionary family units in East Asia, South East Asia  and Mongolia. Please support these missionary family units in both prayer and finance. Thank you.

Six Ways To Reach The World

6 Ways to Reach God’s World – An OMF Video

  • GO: Serving God in a different culture
  • SEND: Send missionaries through encouragement, logistics and finance
  • WELCOME: Care and befriend those who come for work, study or a new life
  • MOBILIZE: Share the vision of God’s mission with people you know
  • LEARN: Explore and study what God has stirred up in your heart for mission
  • PRAY: Commit to praying for a specific missionary, ministry, or people group