We seek to obey the Lord’s Great Commission to “go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). To this end, we partner with our missionaries in local and global missions.
Some of our missionaries work in cross-cultural missions locally; others work overseas in urban areas among students, professionals and families. Yet others work among ‘unreached peoples’ who are people groups with limited or no opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus Christ in their own language and cultural context without outside help. Typically, they will be people groups with less than 2% evangelical Christians. In these parts of the world, missionaries engage in evangelism and church planting, partnering with local churches wherever possible. Moreover, in our increasingly dynamic world, there are many opportunities to reach the unreached peoples in diaspora communities.
CCC’s Missions Committee is the bridge which connects our church congregations with the missionary family units supported by CCC. Regular updates regarding our missionaries are given during church services so that we can pray for them accordingly. Moreover, members of our congregations are encouraged to attend mission conferences and go on short-term mission trips so as to have a better understanding of cross-cultural missions. These insights will help our church improve our support for missions.