Partnering Financially with Chinese Christian Church

Partnering Financially


One Time or Recurring *
Frequency *
Amount: *
Giving Options
Please note that the "Bank Transfer (EFT)" option is for recording your giving or to receive instructions via email. This system does not have the facility to perform a bank transfer.
Do you need a tax deductible receipt for your donation?
To give to the Chinese Christian Church School Building Fund and receive a tax deductible receipt, please download this document and follow the instructions in it: School Building Giving Document
Address *
Post Code
Bank Transfer (EFT) Instructions

When you click "Submit", this page will close and bring you to another page which describes how to transfer funds to the church's bank accounts. The same information will be sent to your email account.

Thank you for partnering financially with CCC.

Paypal Option

When you click "Submit", this page will close and bring you to the PayPal page where you need to enter your PayPal credentials. A confirmation receipt will be emailed to you once the transaction is completed.

Thank you for partnering financially with CCC.

Credit Card *
Does your credit card require you to enter your address for online payments?
Address *
Post Code
Credit Card Option

When you click "Submit", this page will close and your credit card giving will be processed. Please do not close the page or use the "back" button until the process is completed. A confirmation receipt will be emailed to you once the transaction is completed.

Thank you for partnering financially with CCC.

To receive a tax deductible receipt it is necessary to completed a School Building Fund form which can be downloaded from the CCC website. This is to comply with the tax regulations.

Note: No credit card or financial information is stored or processed on this website. Credit card information are send and processed directly by, a large multi-national company used by millions of companies and websites. Paypal information are sent and processed directly by Paypal.